Staff Directory

1740 West Adams Street, Suite 3600
Phoenix AZ 85007


Main telephone: 602-542-1882
Fax: 602-364-0890

Name Title Phone Email
Tobi Zavala Executive Director (602) 542-1617
Polly Knape Deputy Director (602) 542-1811
Elma Brambila Assistant Director (602) 542-1895
Allison Taylor Operations Manager (602) 542-1928
Chrystal Mackesy Project Specialist (602) 542-1940
Kendra Claridge Renewal Specialist (602) 542-1938
Jarett Carver Investigations Manager (602) 542-1825
Flo Fragala Senior Investigator (602) 542-1909
Olivia Santantonio Investigator (602) 542-1813
Michelle Rassi Investigator (602) 542-1933
Bridget Jones Investigator (602) 542-1884
Nic Villarreal Investigator (602) 542-1812
Fernando Lugo Investigative Assistant (602) 542-1937
Haleigh Wilton Investigative Assistant (602) 542-2803
Zuri DeLucio Credentialing Manager (602) 542-1896
Jenny Webb Credentialist (602) 542-1893
Karime Gordillo Credentialist (602) 542-1864
Juleen Lino Credentialing Assistant (602) 542-1877
Nicole Cotton Credentialing Assistant (602) 542-1925
Amiya Fuller Credentialing Assistant (602) 542-1832

Tobi Zavala, Executive Director

For those of you who don’t know me, I am Tobi Zavala, the Board’s Executive Director. I have been with the Board since 2010 and in this position since 2014. My goals have remained the same since I was appointed into this position and those are to maintain the safety and the welfare of the public, ensure applicants and licensees are treated fairly and equitably, and monitor behavioral health and licensing trends to keep the Board aligned with federal and national standards. I am excited to share with you that we are going to start a quarterly newsletter that will provide Board updates, fun facts and statistics. 

Elma Brambila, Assistant Director

My name is Elma Brambila and I am the Board’s Assistant Director. I have been with the Board since 2006. Thank you to all of my past coworkers, Committee and Board members, and most of all, to the licensees that call the Board each day and teach me something new. During my time with the Board, I have seen many positive changes take place such as taking steps in attempts to catch up with current technologies available to us and improving our customer service. It is very motivating to see when a licensee or potential applicant calls in for assistance and I am able to help them find a swift solution to the issue they may be facing. It is with great pleasure to say that the Board staff strives to provide an amazing customer service experience to everyone that reaches out to us. One of the biggest changes has been that our Executive Director, Tobi Zavala always makes herself readily available for presentations that may be beneficial to any agency, school, or organization that reaches out to us. It has been joyful and rewarding to have been afforded the opportunity to interact with many of you throughout my 16 years of service with the Board and I look forward to continuing to assist the Board with maintaining the safety of the public and licensees. I highly encourage everyone to attend a Board meeting if they ever get an opportunity to.

Jarett Carver, Investigations Manager

My name is Jarett Carver and I am the Investigations Manager with the Board. I have been with the Board since 2019. I am proud to work for the Board and always work to carry out the Board’s mission. Since I started in 2019, there has been great change and growth. When I started, the investigative team had an investigative assistant and three investigators. Now the investigative team has two investigative assistants and five investigators. Not only has the investigative team grown, but so has the operations and credentialing teams. Beyond staff growth, there has been a huge increase in licensees with the Board which speaks to itself in terms of the growth the Board has seen. What motivates me is being able to field various ethical or general questions for our licensees and the public, and having them express gratitude for helping. Mental health is a very important aspect of everyone’s life, and it brings me comfort knowing I can be part of this Board to help ensure professionals who are out there helping the people of Arizona with their mental health are practicing ethically and competently.

Zuri De Lucio Silis, Credentialing Manager

I started with the Board in 2014. Throughout my time here, my position has changed to better serve our growing board. I’m currently the Credentialing Manager.  Although this position is new to me and will bring new challenges, my hope is to continue to grow and expand my knowledge with any role. The Board has evolved in so many different ways. Under the direction of our current Executive Director, Tobi Zavala, we have worked with applicants and licensees to be more accessible and to provide as much knowledge to ensure that everyone understands the rules and requirements. Working with our licensees, Board Members, and this amazing team that strives to do their best, is what continues to motivates me.

Jennifer Webb, Credentlist

I am a credentialing specialist and I started with the Board in 2019. I process the endorsement/universal recognition applications for individuals that are licensed in another state. You may not know, but Arizona is one of the fI am a credentialing specialist and I started with the Board in 2019. I process the endorsement/universal recognition applications for individuals that are licensed in another state. You may not know, but Arizona is one of the fastest growing states in the U.S. With technology it is easy to send messages, texts and emails and lose that human connection. Our board strives to keep that human element for our applicants, licensees and the public. I have heard countless times how they appreciate being able to talk with someone at the Board. When I first started there were a total of 13 staff. We are now at 20! The team environment helps me assist applicants/licensees with any questions they may have. Our Board is here to protect the public, so if you ever need to see a counselor, therapist or social worker, you might want to look up the licensee on our website to see if there are any actions on their license. This is something you can do for any regulated professional i.e.; Dr, optometrist, veterinarian or even massage therapist.



Chrystal Mackesy, Program Project Specialist

My name is Chrystal Mackesy and I am the Program Project Specialist. I have been with the Board since 2019. Change is always necessary to improve everyone involved, regardless of how difficult it may be. I feel the Board has worked hard to embrace all the changes to improve customer service by switching to an e-licensing process, adding a quarterly newsletter, Facebook page, cheat sheets, and continuing to provide helpful information. We have received a lot of feedback from the public and licensees that they are surprised they are able to speak with a live person. It motivates me to be able to help anyone who needs assistance to the best of my ability, whether that be licensees, applicants, the public, or my co-workers. I get to work with such an amazing team and we all work together to ensure the safety and protection of the public and licensees.

Polly Knape, Deputy Director

Hello! I joined Board staff in March. Prior to accepting the role of Deputy Director, I served on the Board as a Professional Member. I have worked in Behavioral Health for the majority of my career. I began as a BHT in the public system, completed my master’s degree, became licensed as a LAC, then continued my career with a focus on leadership and systemic improvement. I have been privileged to witness the positive evolution and regulation of our profession and the Board over more than two decades. I remember applying for licensure and being terrified to call or reach out to the Board if I had questions; stories were circulating highlighting licensure struggles and poor experiences engaging with the Board. Slowly overtime the stories started to change, applications were processed faster, board staff became increasingly collaborative, the Board began to focus on the rehabilitation and education of licensees and the perception of the Board began to shift from being an enemy to being an ally.I’m a people person, passionate about continuous learning, bringing positivity to our world, lifting others, and ensuring access to appropriate care for all. I look forward to supporting the positive impact the Board has lifting the professions, supporting licensee’s, and protecting the public.